If you have any questions, comments, insults, or problems with the site then you can contact me with this - Mutant Penguin. Or contact this site's artist, owner and creator - Icymasamune. But first you may want to check the Forum and FAQ's sections, where you can share your comments with others and see if others might have already asked your question. Also if you want to contact us please put "Poisonwind", "ShadowLark", "MP you suck!", or something such as that as the subject, so that your e-mails are not accidentally thrown away with the junk-mail.
Cripes! Leave a 'cow-half' alone, un-ogled and unattended for one day and just looks what happens! If you missed yesterday's update then click the moo. Also, in answer the most popular question on the forums: Yes, the site is having server problems! For some odd reason, it keeps saying the site is experiencing a large amount of traffic, even though our lil' counter is telling us quite a different story. We don't have a solution at this time, but please be patient, and click "refresh" a lot.
With that said: LOTK Page #04
"I am going ~to kiill you! I will use my Nine Lives ~to kiill you!" - Evil Cat/'The News'
-03/17/03(Don't be fooled by the rocks that I've got, I'm still, I'm still MP from the block)
Patty... <snicker> Hey everyone, who is of legal age (*ahem*), Happy Drunkard's Day! Go pinch someone! And remember: 99% of all automobile accidents are caused by dumb drivers, so please don't let your friends drive dumb! -Mutant Penguin
-02/05/03(*Happy Anniversary!!!*)
That's right! Approximately one year ago today (um... give or take 5 or 6 days) Icy began to put his comic"Shadowlark:To See With A Blinded Eye" online. Including the front page "Shadowlark Symphony" is now 117 pages long! Plus "Icy's Dojo" and "Dark Neko" you have a total of 130 comic pages. That's 2.5 pages a week! That isn't even including the close to 30 images in the Encyclopedia and Images sections (or the lil' Chibi's). So I'd say that's pretty damn good!
To celebrate we have added several new wallpapers to the Images section, at the bottom of that page, as well as a 4 page preview of a brand-spank-me-now comic "Legend of the Kappa" (-still in the draft stages). Enjoy the festivities, and remember to drive safely.
Yay, have a Happy Groundhog's Day everyone!
-01/20/03(Saba, saba, Shing, saba, saba.)
Hey there! I spent the weekend tweeking the site and fixing broken links and what not.(Did anyone else completely miss page #14 of Playing Games?) I also separated a section on the "Images" page for wallpapers, that we will hopefully be adding a lot more to in the near future.
Everything should be working now. My apologies to anybody who had any trouble with the pages the last couple of days.
-12/28/02(BAM! Guess who's back already!?)
Hey there. I just thought I'd toss in some random sillyness before the end of the year - Click Here.
-12/27/02(Belated greetings and salutations!)
Hope everyone had a Happy Merry Christmas, and best wishes to everyone for the New Year! It should be a good one!
-10/31/02(Sneakn' in by the back door)
Just tweek'n a couple things. Happy Hollow Weenie everyone!!!
The next, and last, page of 'Riding the Dragons Tail' is up! Also a nice color pic has been added to the 'Fan Art' section.
Page #03 of 'Dark Neko' is up!* Check tomorrow for the next page of Shadowlark.
*Use the "Extra*/Special Pages" scroll bar bellow.
Page #22 of 'Riding the Dragons Tail' is now up! Plus a large addition to the Fan Art section. And a couple of images re/added to the images section.
Page #21 of 'Riding the Dragons Tail' is now up!
Page #02 of 'Dark Neko' is up(-finally)! This page should give you some kind of idea of where 'Dark Neko' is headed.
Use the "Extra*/Special Pages" scroll bar bellow.
-09/27/02 (We're back...)
Yaaaaay! Page #20 of 'Riding the Dragon's Tail' is up!
-09/23/02 (Crapx2!)
This last week rates very high on the "crappiest-week-ever-o'meter". Things not going as smooth as we hoped. We'll try our best to get another page up very soon...
-09/18/02 (Crap!)
Awww, bloody hell! Someone has urinated in me Cherrios! My scanner busted on me. ;_; So that means... No page 4 you! But we will remedy this situation soon.
-09/14/02 (Late as usual.)
Next page, pg #01, of "Dark Neko" is up!
Use the links in the bar below "Extra*". ('Newest Page' will still take you to the last page of ShadowLark: RTDT.)
-9/12/02 & 09/13/02
Today we have some special pages for you. First another installment of "Icy's Dojo". Second, we have the first page, the intro. really, to a brand spanking new comic - "Dark Neko"!
Use the links below, in the bar named - "Specials". ('Newest Page' will still take you to the last page of ShadowLark: RTDT.)
-9/11/02 (... well, mabey in Japan it is.)
"Riding the Dragons Tail" page #19 is up. And there will be an update tomorrow as well!
Of course it's the 1 year anniversary of the Twin Tower tragedy. So I'd just like to express some thanks to the police offices and fire-fighters who risk their lives for us daily, as well as condolences to the many people who lost loved ones.
-9/10/02 (Okay, even in Hawaii it's really 9/11... but it's not to me until I go to bed!!!)
"Riding the Dragons Tail" page #18 is up. Prepare yourselves for yet another update tomorrow night...
"I suppose it's possible to kill a fallen angel, if the fall didn't kill him first." - Lost Profit/Forums
-9/09/02 (or at least it still is in Hawaii...)
"Riding the Dragons Tail" page #17 is up (and page #16 is done being touched up too.) Prepare yourselves for another update tomorrow night...
"Riding the Dragons Tail" page #16 is up. I still want to tinker a little more with the coloring/shading, but I wanted to get this up tonight...
(one of my favorites), One Piece, Shaman King, and Yu Yu Hakusho
are all coming to the US, care of Shonen Jump! And you can get a one
year, 12 issue, subscription for only $20 (retail $4.95ea). That's great deal!
Interested? Go *here*
(www.ToriyamaWorld,com) and cllick on the "Want Naruto?!
Get Jump" banner. (-Free advertising for cool people!)
"Riding the Dragons Tail" page #14 & #15 are now up.
Hey, it's a new month! So don't forget to vote for your favorite web-comic! And while your at it vote for Poisonwind too! (The voter-thingy is down on the left hand side. =] )
Until Icy gets a new computer, I (MP) will be doing the updates. Any questions, comments, or problems with the site can still be addressed to- Icymasamune . But since he has limited access to computers now please go easy with the e-mails. You can also check in the "FAQs" and "Forum" sections as well.
the hard-core ninja fighting action comic, is coming to America, care of Shonen
Jump! Along with many other great titles like: One Piece, Shaman King,
Yu Yu Hakusho and even Dragonball Z- now all in one magazine. Better then
that, you can get a one year, 12 issue, subscription for $20 (it will retail
for $4.95 an issue). Interested? Go *here*
( and click on the "Want Naruto?! Get
Jump" banner.