5/20/03 (The event of the decade is here!)

It's National Poodle Day! Yay! No, not really. Even better! Today, after four years of impatiently waiting, we will finally see the release of a new album by Weird Al -"Poodle Hat"! YAAAAY! So what does this mean for Posionwind.com? Ab-so-lut-ley Nothing!!! (But I will tell you that at SD Comic-con, I was like 3 feet from him. I could have reached out and touched him! *Touch!*) *Ahem* Um... so anyway, check it out, go out and get it! =)

The Worst Poke'mon ever -Mutant Penguin


5/14/03 "Nothing clever to say today......."

Shadowlark Symphony: Page 4- 15

Shadowlark Symphony: Page 4- 16

Well, two pages today (no it wasn't Anna - she realy IS kinda worthless). And I'm starting the process of reducing the comic pages to a lower quality image. All of the color artwork and covers will stay higher image quality, but the greyscale pages are going to be compressed from now on. Hopefully this will take some of the strain off of the bandwidth.

And, uh...yeah. I see I forgot to put the background texture up on the new format o.O. All better now. Although I am thinking I want to change the background a bit...hmmm. Important things first ^_^.

Also. We had a number of fanart images come in during this period of chaos, and I will try and get those up when I get the point of fixing the gift page, links are kinda in the same boat for the time being. One link in particular I am going to set up real soon to thank them for the plug for our site ^^.

"...penis..." -Icymasamune


PoisonWind Funds


Comics - YAY!I might not know much - But I can fake it!This is who the site is for (ok, Im a cheeseball, I know).Don't ask - read the FAQ.Go here to listen.Penguin-pooSome work from Mutant Penguin and myself.A great way to get on the good side of someone you may never meet in real life.My list of sites I love and respect.Crap...for money..<shrug>Go here to yell.

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All characters, stories, and artwork are ©Icymasamune 2002 or the property of their respective creators...Don't you just hate how we have to say stuff like this?